My Garden Today

September 2002

Summer is fading, and with it most of the flowers of summer. Regular deadheading keeps the phlox in flower, and some of the black-eyed Susan and coneflower dispiritedly throw the occasional flower. The grass has bounced back from a long, hot, dry summer and I'm mowing more regularly.

Not much else is happening. We are almost caught up with weeding and mulching. The new driveway is in, and should make staying ahead of the leaves that used to build up beside the garage easier. We have enough firewood for two or three years (took down a large tree next to the house, and got all the wood from a neighbor's tree also).

The Bradford pears behind the house are now but a memory. Literally -- I cut them down and chipped them for mulch and compost. Gone is the fear of coming home to a tree in the conservatory. Their place will be taken by dogwoods and redbud.

Given some time to read the manual for our new digital camera, more pictures should be forthcoming.

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